Sewage Overflow Cleanup

Prevent Mold & Sanitize the Affected Areas

If a sewage or septic overflow occurs at your home or business, it is important to contact a professional cleanup service immediately. Whether it is caused by a clogged drain, flooding, or natural disaster, sewage backups and overflows are a nuisance to deal with. Sewage overflows are considered an emergency as the water may contain viruses, bacteria, and other microbes that may cause severe illnesses. The waste and polluted water can also cause extensive structural damage to both your property and your plumbing system if not properly handled right away.

As leaders in sewage overflow cleanup, our team will assess the damage, prevent mold, eliminate odor, and sanitize the affected areas. At Whalen, we provide complete cleanup services for the following situations:

  • Sewage Backup
  • Septic Tank Failure
  • Toilet Overflow

Our highly trained water damage experts will carefully survey your property to determine the appropriate plan of action for the type of water encountered. By adhering to strict safety guidelines and heath regulations, we make sure your home or business is safely restored. Sewage overflow cleanup is not a job for someone to tackle alone. Our restoration experts are standing by 24/7 to provide fast, effective cleanup services to get your property dry, sanitary, and safe once again.

"The Most Competent and Reliable Company We've Hired"

We've had many contractors repair different properties on the cape since 1985. By far, Whalen Restoration has been the most competent and reliable company we've hired, even despite COVID. The work is high quality and done in a timely manor. John Baylis, the Project Manager, is a gem and a true professional. They were responsive to the many issues that came up over the course of the project....
Jo Anne Shatkin
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